I Forgot To Announce This But Here It Is Anyways...

Hey everyone, I hope you're all doing well👌. I forgot to announce that I have started streaming on Twitch; but however I am limited😞 to the type of games that I am able to stream because of the hardware that I currently have. So therefore all support is appreciated, you don't even have to donate, just you watching👀 the stream is enough support🙆. So therefore you can find my Twitch channel under the username of Lwazisile; I usually stream on Saturday nights at 10pm CAT or at 8pm GMT; usually for 2 hours. But currently I have to put streaming to the side and focus on my academics; just until the 15th of November. 

One more thing; my mom has now released here book, the book is written in IsiZulu and hopefully soon, the translated version of it will be release. The name of the book is called Izimpindiselo Zokwagqitshwa and you can find it on Smashwords.com for $3.99 by clicking here. You can even get a sample of the book for free on the site.

Thank you and have a good day.


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