Should I Upgrade My Laptop Hardware?

Why I wanted to upgrade my laptop

For three years now, I have had the idea of purchasing parts and having my laptop upgraded. My plan was to upgrade my laptop so that I'm able to play the latest pc games with no problem and also record and post good quality content for my YouTube channel.

Which hardware I wanted to upgrade

I wanted to get more RAM for my laptop. Get a better CPU. Get a graphics card and external equipment, so I can use a graphics card for a desktop pc externally and stop using the integrated CPU graphics.

Issues I came across with upgrading a laptop

Depending on the situation at hand, the laptop I have is an Acer Aspire E15, after research I have done, it came to my notice that laptops have a limit of ram you can upgrade to, and mine was 16GB. I also wanted to upgrade my CPU from an i5 to an i7. As much as I wanted to do so, I thought about the ventilation, because laptops have a really small ventilation fan, I did not want to risk it overheating.


So I came to the conclusion that it is much better to purchase a gaming laptop for  $1,100 or build a budget gaming pc because, in my country; which is South Africa, you can build one for around $1,100. Which is affordable because I can get 16 GB of RAM, a 4.00 GHz CPU, a PSU, a 2 TB hard drive, 240 SSD, a proper motherboard and a 4GB graphics card . But it depends on your situation though, because if you travel a lot or constantly move now and then; consider buying a gaming laptop.


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