How To Deal With Online Trash Talk From Toxic Players

What is online trash talk?

Online trash talk is when a person talks bad about the other person, usually with profanity included, online. This is experienced mainly with gamers when they play online multiplayer games. Trash talk is used to belittle the other person and is initiated when one team is losing badly because of one or more persons and the person(s) who are "better" than lower performing individual will trash talk them. 

How to deal with online trash talk

Every time I play an online game I use these methods to handle and/ or deal with online talk.

1. Laugh or shrug it off.

Do not take what other people say about you seriously, just laugh at their frustration.

2. Mute the trash talkers

If they become too annoying to ignore, mute them.

3. Trash talk them back and laugh when they get pissed

I don't recommend this but, only use this if you have comebacks to shut them up.


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